
Welcome to the Faster Lessons Home Page for Cenla Baseball and Softball Academy.

4617 Suite C Shreveport Hwy
Pineville, Louisiana 71360


Welcome to our online lesson scheduling, lesson management, and group registration program. You can book lessons, reschedule lessons, postpone lessons, pay for lessons, and register and pay for camps and clinics from this site. Please choose the "Schedule a Lesson" link to book your lesson(s). First time users must create a new account. After creating your account, you may then choose the action of your choice. 

When scheduling lessons, choose the "All" instructors option if you want to see all staff availability.

Note: This site requires credit card payment to book lessons.

Refund Policy and Prices:



Please check to see which instructors are right for the age of your player


Private - 30 min: $35

Private - 60 min: $65

Group of 2 - 30 min: $50

Group of 2 - 60 min: $100

Group of 3 - 60 min: $120

Group of 4 - 60 min: $160

Group of 5 - 90 min: $200

Group of 6 - 90 min: $240

YOU MAY SCHEDULE LESSONS ONLINE, BY PHONE, OR IN PERSON. When you schedule online yourself you are required to pay. You can also call in to schedule or schedule a lesson in person and we will go into the system and scheule your lesson for you and you can either then log into your account and pay online or come into the Academy and pay before your lesson. Cenla Baseball and Softball Academy does not provide refunds for unused lessons. Lessons that need to be canceled due to injury or sickness will be postponed and placed back into the customer's account. A lesson may be postponed for any reason by the customer anytime 24 or more hours before the scheduled lesson and your lesson will be credited back to your customer account. If you do not show up for the lesson you booked, your account will remain with an unpaid balance. No lesson will be conducted without payment before scheduled time of lesson.  Lessons postponed by an instructor will be rescheduled; not refunded. If the customer is having difficulty rescheduling a lesson with the original instructor we will reschedule that lesson with a comparable instructor. Customers will be charged for any lesson not completed due to a student's failure to show.



Times that are reserved for rental bookings such as hour long individual iron mike rentals, individual and/or team rentals for utility cages, whole facility rentals, as well as birthday parties or events will all be posted on the online calendar. However customers can and are encouraged to call ahead to check avaliability for rentals.  Customers can walk in to check rental avalibilities as well. For any rental that you have scheduled over the phone or in person, the customer will need to either log on their cutomer account and pay, or be present to pay for all rentals at the facility BEFORE your time begins. Any scheduled rental that is not paid and/or present at time of scheduled rental will not be credited for any payments. Your account will remain with an unpaid balance, and the space will be open for others to use.

All Rentals include Balls, Tees, and Screens

Iron Mike Cage Rental: $3 / 1 Round (16 Pitches)   OR   $10 / 4 Rounds   OR   $50 / 1 Hour

Utility Cage Rental: $40 / 1 hour (Three player max per cage and must have one adult 21+ per cage)

Team Cage Rentals (10+ Players): $100 / per cage per hour

Whole Facilty Rental: $600 / 2 Hours


Birthday Parties:

Single: $250 (2 hours) - All you can hit in iron mike cage and 2 Large pizzas with 2 two liter sodas.

Double: $350 (2 hours) - Everything "The Single" offiers plus a utility cage with a pitching machine.

                    - Only 3 players at a time for utility cage and one adult must accompany players.


Team Pactices: (Must be booked 24 hours in advance)

Book an Academy instructor to join with your coaching staff to run a high efficiency, high production practice with your team!

Team Practice at Academy: $350 / 90 min (2 Cages) (each additional cage added is $100 for the practice) (We provide balls, tees, screens, and one pitching machine)

Team Practice at a Field of Your Choice: $300 / 2 hours (Must provide your own equipment)

Team practices can be scheduled by phone or in person and payments are due befroe scheduled practice starts either through your customer account or in person before you start your team practice.

 Camps and Clinics

Camps and Clinic information will be emailed out to customer account holders for first chance at bookings and reservations. After a few days, they will be posted for the public. Prices and registration criteria will be changing on a camp by camp and clinic by clinic basis. You can use your customer account to register, pay, and sign waiver for all camps and clinics. You may also call and register, then pay and sign waiver day of camp, or walk up the day of and register and sign.  For any cancellation one week (7 days) prior to the camp Cenla Baseball and Softball Academy will issue a full credit of camp registration fee to your customer account to be used for any Cenla Baseball and Softball Academy program. Any concellation within the 7 day prior window will be issued a half credit to their customer account to be used for any Cenla Baseball and Softball Academy program. Zero credits will be rewarded to no shows.


You are more than welcome to call or email us for questions on any of these products/services. Again thank you for your support and we very much look forward to working with you and your family!